Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How does POMPS work?

Have a look at the services we offer and if you would like to know more, please contact us to arrange a free consultation, together with a family member or friend if you prefer. We will then suggest a bespoke package and quotation for your approval, based on your unique circumstances, requirements, wishes and budget.

Home Support

Most people prefer to stay independent in their own homes, or to return home as soon as possible after a stay in hospital. But if you are struggling to manage, there are a number of options and organisations to help make things easier and safer for you. By finding out what is available and what best suits your needs, you will be in a better position to reach the right decisions. Making even a small adjustment now, could mean a huge difference to your life.

Relocation Services

For a number of reasons, you may feel you cant remain in your present home. If you are healthy and able to manage on your own, you might think about downsizing to something more manageable, where you still retain full independence. Alternatively, there are now a number of options offering a variety of support and care arrangements. Taking time to investigate these and plan for the future will save you time, money and worry.